“But the hair on his head began to grow again after it had been shaved.”
Judges 16:22
It’s fair to say that Samson had lost his way. One foot in one foot out, who did he belong to, really? God or the world? Finally, the femme fatale of the story succeeded in wearing him down to the point where he told her his secret. “If my hair is cut, my strength (my anointing) will leave me.” You know the rest of the story. The Philistines cut Samson’s hair and gouged out his eyes. The lion’s mane was shorn.
I can relate; perhaps you can, too. After all, who among us is always on a constant upward trajectory? Don’t our days and years look more like the stock market with some steep dips here and there along the way? We start our Christian walk with a bang, wreaking havoc among the enemies of God, striding over the high places of the earth, taking bold stands for righteousness and truth. It’s a bull market! But, don’t you know, we have an Adversary. He wasn’t happy to see us leave his camp, and he hasn’t given up getting us back. He studies us clinically and incessantly (I suppose he assigns junior clerks to the midnight shift), looking for a chink in the armor. He finds one eventually, as we all have chinks. And then the pressure begins. We make small concessions initially, giving in to innocuous things that appear to do no lasting harm. But the struggle has scarce begun. The pressures ratchet up and sooner or later, ol’ Slewfoot connives to hold us down long enough for our enemies to give us a buzzcut.
Our superpowers depart.
Such was the case with Samson. He thought his years as a judge in Israel were over, his ministry in the dustbin. Who would want him now? He was a failure, put to work entertaining the Philistine elite as a sideshow attraction. But in the midst of his shame and humiliation, he found his way to a place of repentance. He remembered his call.
And his hair grew back.
Time passed. The day came when Samson asked a boy (think stagehand) to help him place his hands on the two pillars supporting the roof of the Philistine temple. The Bible tells us that there were about three thousand men and women there watching Samson perform his tricks (Judges 16:27).
Then, in a show of strength reminiscent of his previous glory, Samson pushed the pillars apart, bringing the roof down on himself and all the Philistines underneath, killing more in his death than he had in his lifetime.
In the early days of Messenger Films, which were also the early years of my Christian walk, I made a vow to God drawing my inspiration from the Nazirite vow applying to Samson. I swore that “no razor would touch the head of Messenger Films.” What did I mean by that? I meant that there would be no compromise in our mission to make films declaring God’s glory to the nations (1 Chronicles 16:24).
Hear me on this. I’m not saying that there would be no wisdom or tact or artistry in how best to reach the unsaved through film. Not at all. But I am saying that there would be no mistaking who we were at heart and what we stood for. There would be a fearlessness about us, a commitment to the Gospel.
Easier said than done, of course, and the years can wear us down. Unimaginable at the outset, but as the road only lengthens before us, we can find ourselves saying, “It is futile to serve God. What do we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the LORD Almighty?” (Malachi 3:14)
In my own case, I’ve been tempted to give in to “Delilah” many times… to rest my head on her lap and let her have her way. To break my vow, in other words, and make films for the glory of man. But when I have stumbled… when I have grown weary in well doing… when my life has entered a bear market and the value of my stock has dropped… God has not let go of me utterly. In his faithfulness, he has kept me afloat long enough for my hair to grow back and for me to return to the fray.
And you? Where are you in all this? Have you drifted off course? Are you neglecting the work of your ministry (2 Timothy 4:5)? I would remind you that “the gifts and calling of God are without repentance” (Romans 11:29). Return to your loving Father; it’s not too late. His steadfast love never ceases; his mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is his faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23).
Take a look in the mirror, friend. Your hair is growing back. Even if you’re bald!
Much love,